Ellora Iron Tetsubin

Founded over 100 years ago Iwachu has been handcrafting tetsubins using traditional iron casting techniques.   An exquisite addition to your collection, the enameled interior prevents rusting and removable stainless steel strainer allows for ease of brewing.   Please note: cast iron pots with enameled interiors are not recommended for stove top use, but simply as a teapot.

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About Ellora Iron Tetsubin

Founded over 100 years ago Iwachu has been handcrafting tetsubins using traditional iron casting techniques.  An exquisite addition to your collection, the enameled interior prevents rusting and removable stainless steel strainer allows for ease of brewing. 

Please note: cast iron pots with enameled interiors are not recommended for stove top use, but simply as a teapot.


  • details

    Dimensions: 4 7/8" x 5 3/4" / 30oz volume capacity

    Made in Japan.