Luxury Teas and Accessories from Around the World. Free Shipping on Orders $100+
Tea is a very important part of our lives. It nourishes the soul and warms the body. I have always loved tea, but dating a British man took it to a whole other level. We dont just drink tea, tea is a way of life. On average G and I will drink 4-6 cups a day while we are home working. While I love coffee and appreciate a good cup, I can usually only handle one. If I drink more I become a total mess, anxiety and the shakes take over my body, to then crash. Tea is something that I can drink all day and has healing properties. While I feel I am still learning much about tea, I have my favorites. I recently became addicted to Bellocq's Hindu Holiday tea. Now when I taste other teas nothing seems to compare. I have become a true fan of this beautiful tea shop. I am so happy to have it only a mere block away. While its open only on the weekends I manage to pop my head in every chance I get. If you live in New York City may I urge you to make the trip. To open your minds to the wonderful world of Bellocq teas. Their creative blends will knock your socks off and leave you craving more. The image above is tea time at our house. The images below are all of Bellocq Tea Atelier taken by me. You can learn more about them on their website. The photos on their website were taken by the talened Anna Williams. Andrea Gentl also shared a lovely post about them here.
Photos by the extremely talented Nicole Frazen Website